Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dimlit Concept

Dimlit is a persona created by a good friend of mine over a decade ago for a pen and paper Rolemaster Middle Earth Dwarf campaign. Through the years since Dimlit has made appearances in numerous online games as well. I decided it was finally time to imortalize him in epoxy.

Dimlit was a fun project because of his excentricities. Dimlit Thenotsobright killed a buck deer on his first adventure and decided to show his prowess by attaching the horns to his helm. These horns became his trademark identity.
Dimlit also carried a human sized pick axe converted into a war mattoc. He used this the night after killing the deer, and attaching its horns to his helm, to slay a troll I sent to kill him (to teach him a lesson). In any other system he would be a distant memory, but Rolemaster loves the weak and lucky roller.
Another of Dimlit's iritating traits was that he wanted to be a jack of all trades. He carried a little bit of everything in a huge backpack that he "always dropped before entering combat so I am not encumbered". Somehow he always wanted to produce things even when his backpack was allegedly outside somewhere laying in the grass..

I hope this sculpt captures the essence that is and was, Dimlit Thenotsobright.


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