Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dimlit gets pants

I then sculpted some baggy pant legs. The top of the pants wasn't bothered with since it will be covered by his armor. I also cut the "ring" of wire to later be bent outward for the arms.

After completing the prior sculpting I became impatient and used a lightbulb cooker to quicken the curing time. I accidently cooked him too long turning the epoxy brown. I carefully examined him and decide no major harm was done. I am not planning to create a mold out of this figure later so visual integrity (after painting) was my soul concern and not ability to handle heat and/or pressure.

A light bulb cooker is simply a shop light type lightbulb with clip (9 bucks at DIY store) and an old washed out metal paint can or metal box. You put the epoxy to be cured in the can/box and then the light buld over it to SLOWLY warm it. This type of epoxy will harden fatser under heat and slower when cooled.


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